Kurfürstendamm 212
10719 Berlin
Telefon: 030-889279-0
Telefax: 030-889279-25


How to find us

Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Vierhaus

Certified Administrative Law Specialist


Law studies: Göttingen, Freiburg, London (LSE) and Munich

Head of the Institute for Administrative Law at the Deutsches Anwaltsinstitut (2003-2011)

Expert in the German Bundestag for the Act on the Acceleration of Planning Procedures for Infrastructure Projects (2006)

Lecturer on public law in the law faculty of the University of Potsdam (since 2010)

Doctorate (Dr. jur.) on constitutional law under Prof. Dr. Michael Kloepfer at Humboldt University, Berlin (1994)

Admission as a lawyer 1995

Qualified as Certified Administrative Law Specialist 1998

Qualified as Certified Medical Law Specialist 2005


Main practice areas

Environmental law:

  • Brownfields und soil protection law
  • Waste law
  • Air pollution and noise protection law
  • Water law
  • Nature conservation law
  • Chemicals law
  • Environmental information law
  • Law of environmental criminal and regulatory offences
  • Environmental liability law

Public building law:

  • Planning law
  • Building regulations law

Monument protection law

Information access right

Large-scale planning law

Subsidy law

Constitutional law

Official liability






Annotation on § 24 BBodSchG, in: Fluck, Jürgen (ed.), Kreislaufwirtschafts-, Abfall- und Bodenschutzrecht, vol. 4, date: Oct. 2004 (together with Gerhard Wagner)

Annotation on § 18 Investitionsvorranggesetz (Vorhaben- und Erschließungsplan), in: InVorG, Kommentar, Deutscher Anwaltsverlag, Herne 1995 (together with Kornelius Kleinlein)


Essays and articles:

Approximately fifty articles in legal periodicals on administrative law and constitutional law topics




